世界进入乱纪元,和其他5月的事 Weekly第21-22周 / 狗熊有话说

世界进入乱纪元,和其他5月的事 Weekly第21-22周 / 狗熊有话说


3 min read



以下是每周狗熊写的中、英文短贴里,值得再次回顾与分享的内容。这是一份我的每周零散心得与学习收获的汇总列表,只要五分钟,就可以获得我一周的收获。请于博客 查看更多

30 day Mind & Body challenge

As New Zealand went into Level 2, which means the little one can go back to daycare (finally!!) I'm trying to redesign my morning routine for a productive day.

Here's my new daily challenge, which I called it Mind&Body challenge as it focus on, you know, mind and body:

  1. Cold water shower for 1 min.
  2. 50 burpees.
  3. 15 minutes meditation.

I found these 3 things cost the minimal amount of my time for a better mind and body balance. It went on for 4 days and so far so good. Aim to keep doing it for 30 days to see how it will go.

Joe Rogan的播客卖了1亿美元

不知道国内有没有人转这条消息:Spotify出一亿美元买下Joe Rogan的播客全部内容版权。

可能很多人不知道Joe Rogan是谁,如果你还记得马斯克有次在某节目吸大麻,然后特斯拉股票暴跌,那就是在Joe的播客。他在西方知名度极高,反正我遇到的一些白人直男几乎都喜欢听他的节目。





The takeaway of my first online workshop

Last Saturday I facilitated my first online workshop, which was registered by 60+ participants. I would never believe I could do a workshop with my second language 1 year ago, but now I made it. Believing probably is the most important thing to start something. After that, all you need is just to keep the momentum.

As a designer I collect some feedback from the participants after the workshop. The NPS of the workshop is 8.3, the participants prefer to do Zoom workshop rather than other Livestreaming options, and many things great to know.

If remote work is now a viable option at most places, you can finally compete with skills alone. That's why I'm doing this, for myself to upskill, and for those who get value from it.

Question: what skills you would like to have for the competitive remote working trend?








Into the unknown。













A personal example of new normal

So many things we need to learn and redesign in post-COVID-19.

I used to love early morning meetups such as meetings from 7 AM, as I only needed to get up early, attended the meeting, then went to office before 9 to start working. Then many meetings switched to virtual, and started at the same time on Zoom, which seemed all good, right?

Actually, no.

When working from home, my kid and partner wake up around 7:30. Normally I prepare breakfast and take my daughter to daycare. As morning is the busiest time of the whole family, sitting in front of a computer to have a video chat while my partner is busy dealing with kid's breakfast and the toothbrush is definitely not a good way to improve our relationship. Also, when the meetups end at 8:30, I'll be too late to have breakfast and take my daughter to day care. It increases my stress level too.

It worked for me perfectly well before, but it seems not quite fit my family's new timetable now.

I think I'm not the only one with these types of questions. We need to design a new way to do similar things, but not do it as a default mode.

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